Homemade Yogurt by SEED Yogurt Maker SD-699

Ingredients :
250 ml milk (I use formula milk)
¼  tsp (0.25g) Yogurt starter
1 tsp sugar (I use molasses sugar) – optional

(sourness can be adjust by yourself)

Method :
1)   Sterilized all the yogurt making equipment.
2)   In a saucepan pour in milk and sugar and over high heat, bring it almost to a boil and transfer it to yogurt cup.  Set aside and let it almost 90% cool.
3)  Add in yogurt starter and mix well.
4)  Transfer it to yogurt maker.  After 4-8 hours when the yogurt done, refridge overnight for better texture.

Done by SEED Yogurt Maker SD-699 / 十度良品酸奶杯SD-699


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