南瓜酱焖米线 / Pumpkin Sauce Meehoo


酱汁 / Sauce:
南瓜 Pumpkin
姜 Ginger
大葱 Big Onion
红番茄 Tomato

材料 / Ingredients:
蒜 garlic
青葱 spring onion
肉碎 (腌制一下)minced meat (marinate a little while with salt and pepper)
冬菇(我用罐头冬菇)mushroom (I use mushroom in tin)
芝士片 (2片)slice cheese

米线 Meehoon(只有瑞德华美园才有的卖)Only available at Taman Mawar Chau Sui Teck market

1)把所有材料放入破壁机弄成糊(Use blender to cook and blend all the ingredients into puree form)。如果没有破壁机,就放入锅把所有材料煮软再打成糊状。(Can use cook method to cook all the ingredient until soft and put into blender to blend into puree form)

2) 米线煮软,过冷水。Cook meehoon。

3)在平底锅爆香蒜和青葱,放入肉碎和冬菇继续爆香。再倒入煮好的酱汁焖煮一下。In a non-stick pan stir fry garlic, spring onion.  Add in minced meat and mushroom. Continue stir fry for a little while.  Add in pumpkin puree.

4)加入米线再加一片芝士片焖煮至芝士片融化。Add meehoon and 1-2 slices of cheese and cook until it melted.  


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